Learning behavior and physical signs of a dog will offer insight into their mood and feeling states. It is important to be able to observe and listen to nonverbal cues from dogs. Please take a look at the following guides and be vigilant in picking up on signals to avoid issues.
The following products are very helpful for new puppies. Be sure to consult the label and your vet before giving any new supplements. Slowly increase the dose so the puppy has time to adjust to the new product. If you observe any adverse effects, discontinue use until you speak with your breeder and vet. Some helpful guidelines to potty training, socializing, crate training, and more with your new puppy or dog! Always consult your vet and trainer before implementing new training techniques.
Some general tips to encourage German Shepherd puppy ears to stand:
1. Don't touch or mess with them. Don't pet on the head. Try to pet the chest or back so ears aren't consistently pinned back. 2. Give bully sticks, knuckle bones, and neck bones. These items contain lots of nutrients used in making cartilage - thereby helping with ear development. Don't overdo any of them - or else you will have to deal with diarrhea, constipation, or excess calcium that interfere with correct growth. 3. Give a packet of unflavored Knox gelatin once a day. www.knoxgelatine.com 4. Feeding raw meaty beef bones 4-5 times a week helps to get the ears erect. There are over 150 muscles in the jaw that also run up to the ears. With all the tugging & chewing on bones, it helps to strengthen those ear muscles. 5. Make sure ears are clean and free of mites or fungal or bacterial infections. Infections cause ears to drop. 6. Feed high quality kibble or a complete raw diet. Crap food produces crap bodies 😉 A good supplement is Solid Gold Seameal. Add small amounts at first to get puppy used to it. If your pup's ears haven't come up by 6m, contact a vet or your breeder and consider taping. Till then, be patient - they will be up and down until the permanent teeth are in. So very excited to announce the arrival of:
V Imani von der Piste Trophe IPO1 KKL Imani is an exceptional female and we have been waiting a long time for her arrival! I am very happy to announce she is bred to one of Germany's best young males: SG8 (BSZS) V1 Luke von der Liebeswarte IPO3 KKL (son of VA Pacco Langenbungert) Pregnancy is confirmed and puppies are due July 4th! We have reservations left for one male and one female. Contact me for more information! |
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