1. The pups will start teething - their baby teeth will slowly fall out and be replaced by their adult teeth. Be sure to refer to my chewies post and keep chews around to make the process less painful for both you and your puppy!
2. Your puppy's ears will droop or fall during teething. Do not worry, they will go back up. Teething diverts much of the bodies calcium to the teething process. Calcium is what also helps the cartilage in the ears to firm up. Supplementing with Vitamin C during this time helps. Don't add extra calcium - it will mess up bone growth. You can add unflavored gelatin, bully sticks, and glucosamine rich foods.
3. Your pup will start to demonstrate more independence and willfulness. As a result, your puppy's urge to please you may decrease and he may ignore even the most basic training commands. Go back to basics and keep boundaries.
4. Be very careful of where your pup is leashed and where he is not. Previously in a park or open field your puppy may have stayed near you, now he may quickly bolt and not heed your commands as he explores and plays on his own. Be patient and consistent, and reinforce training.
5. Puppy coats will be shedding out and be replaced by coarser adult fur. You should see the adult coat come in at first along the spine of the dog. It will appear as a darker, thicker, rougher texture than the neighboring soft baby fur. Your puppy will also itch, scratch, and bite themselves a lot more - this is caused by irritation from new hair coming in. Don't worry about allergies just yet - it's just the hair coming in!
Please enjoy some pictures of the pups growing up :)