We earned the following placings:
VP1 Wink von den Blauen Bergen 4-6 females (First place)
P1 Xochi von Tajgetosz 6-9 females (First Place)
G1 Magda von Scammacca 18-24 females (2nd Place)
SG2 Wiva vom Drache Feld 24+ females (2nd Place to a very nice bitch)
We had a super day catching up with friends, learned lots from our detailed critiques, and most importantly had a lot of fun! Proud of all my girls!
I sincerely thank Randy Brent of von den Blauen Bergen for handling all my dogs and making it out to the show to support us. I could not do any of this without the help and support of my incredible friends and family - thank you with all my heart :)
Please enjoy some photos of the girls with their win ribbons! Thanks for a great show NEOWDA!
I've also been quite busy this month getting health clearances out of the way for my up and coming young dogs. Both Magda and Xochi were x-rayed for hips, elbows, and spine. I am very happy to report that Magda has super hips and elbows! Her x-rays will be sent to Germany shortly for a-stamp evaluations. Xochi is suffering from a bout of pano, but her prelim hip x-rays look ok. Although Wiva's hip and elbow x-rays have already been evaluated by the OFA as Good/Normal, I have sent her xrays to Germany as well for her a-stamps. I hope to get a rating back within the next month or two - they take their time over there!
Please take a look at the recent Magda, and Wiva xrays - quality somewhat poor as they are camera pictures of x-ray films.
Here is an update on her body count. She has moved onto snakes now and is the resident snake hunter. This pup is a little bit nuts - she fits in well around here ;)